Review of Mastermind Talks Podcast: Personal Branding, You’re Doing It Wrong

I recently listened to this amazing Mastermind Talks podcast with Jason Gaignard when he interviewed Joey Coleman about personal branding. Joey is a celebrated speaker and has done coaching in over a decade – mostly on personal branding framework.

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re missing on a lot if your personal branding is unclear – it is of utmost importance to focus on your personal brand, its attributes and what really your business stands for. It will also get you clarity on where your business is headed.

Below are some of the best points spoken about in the podcast:

  • How you package and present yourself/your brand is hugely important.
  • What is a personal brand?
  • Personal brand is the image that is created in a person’s mind when they connect with your name, specific skills and reputation.
  • It is what people perceive – it’s making conscious choices. When you meet a person, you are instantly and constantly formulating opinions. By default, people judge and critique.
  • There’s 2 aspects: what you think of your personal brand and what others think.
  • Your personal brand enters the room the same time as you do. Are you happy about what other people have to say about your personal brand?
  • Philip McKernan – the more successful we become, the less we recognize how successful we are.
  • Getting outside perspective helps us identify the things we are great at that we often do not acknowledge.
  • All of us have natural skills – and now we have learned skills and you can be world class with our learned skills.
  • Being able to take complex ideas and make them simple, persuade people how to get things done.
  • A friend is not someone who tell you what you want to hear, a friends is someone who tells you what you NEED to.
  • Friends, mentors to give you feedback about your personal brand
  • Clarify and explore, look into what you want your personal brand to be.
  • What would do for the rest of your life even if you don’t get paid to do it? There should be a piece of your current job that you want to be part of your personal brand.
  • (Self-assessment) Strength-finders, DISC, Kolbe Test
  • There’s a voice inside you that knows what you are best at.
  • It’s the pursuit that makes it more exciting.
  • The most successful people I know have a lot of things they’re passionate about – they don’t go all in on one things because then you’ll be one-dimensional. Multi-dimensional people are more successful.
  • There is a skill you have you don’t have to lead with a particular skill. – just because you’re good at fixing things doesn’t mean you have to lead with that.
  • Be more specific, more clear about what you do and who you serve.
  • The human brain can only associate 2-3 areas in an individual we know.
  • 3 Step Process – investigation, Refining, Packaging
  • Reinventing your personal brand every 5-7 years.
  • Philip McKernan – Where you’re busy seeking out opportunities we often miss the possibilities.
  • 5 years – making a vision for your personal brand/business for 5 years is more manageable.
  • I want to go deep in dozens of different areas, I want to go medium in hundreds of different areas and I want go shallow or at least have a small understanding on thousands of different areas in life, because that’s what keeps it interesting for me. – Joey Coleman
  • As you are getting more comfortable with your personal brand, you get to make unconventional choices.

Recap of the 3 Step Process:


  • What are the elements of your personal brand? All the things you love, all the things you’re fantastic at. What are these specific things you are world-class in.


  • Pick and choose which one you want to go after? If someone hears your name, they thing about these things?


  • How can I share this with the world? How can I position myself with these types of project? How can I get it out? How can I make my brand unique?

If you are interested, subscribe to Mastermind Talks podcast on iTunes if you are an Apple user and Stitcher for Android.

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