Have You Been Trained to Get A Job?

Listen to this podcast to hear an uncommon perspective on earning a living.

Hear ideas from The Millionaire Mind, The Millionaire Next Door, and The Four Hour Work Week discussed.

Learn why owning a small business is forcing yourself to save money.

Discover the difference between leaving a job and selling your business.

Lastly, you’ll hear personal tips for how to come up with your “Why?”


Business Motivation – Adding content to your site for SEO

Listen to this podcast to hear about what happens when you neglect your businesses website.

If you don’t have a business, you should still listen because you can and you should create your own website for free. Check out www.wordpress.com

Instead of spending time on other website’s, hear why you should spend time adding content to your website.

A hobby today, could turn in to a business tomorrow.  Hear how.

In the end, after listening to this podcast you will be motivated to take action today.  (Tomorrow, and the next day!)